Our Purpose

Our purpose is simple: to love Jesus in the Most Blessed Sacrament and to spread love for Him.

A Disciple of Our Eucharistic Lord is one who:

  • is personally very devoted to the Holy Eucharist as Real Presence, Sacrifice of the Mass, and Holy Communion.

  • realizes that there is no solution to the problems of the world or the problems of the Church except through the Holy Eucharist.

  • does everything in his or her power, by word and example, to promote a deeper faith in the Real Presence, Sacrifice of the Mass, and Holy Communion.

  • prays for a deeper understanding of the Blessed Sacrament, especially among priests.

  • lives a life of reparation for those who neglect, desert, or distort the Holy Eucharist.

  • is zealous to convert or re-convert people to the Catholic faith, as the faith which believes that Jesus Christ is present on Earth, offering Himself in this Holy Sacrifice, and available to us in the Sacrament of Communion.

  • is a martyr for the Eucharist. No matter what price has to be paid, an apostle of the Eucharist is ready to pay it as a witness to his faith in Jesus Christ, living in our midst today.

  • simply expects the Eucharistic Christ to work whatever miracles need to be performed in our day, especially miracles of conversion. But a Disciple of Our Eucharistic Lord has no illusions. There will be opposition. "Have confidence," Jesus tells us. "I have overcome the world."

Jesus, I love You. Jesus, I love You.
Let every beat of my heart, and every breath I take
A thousand times repeat this act of love.

Our Commitments

Weekly Holy Hour of Love

Spend a holy hour in the Sacred Presence of Our Eucharistic Lord, either enthroned on the altar or hidden in the tabernacle, to satiate His thirst to be loved in the Most Blessed Sacrament and to pray that all may come to love Him. If you are homebound, you may make a spiritual holy hour.

Distributing Booklets

Distribute the Sing your Love booklet as the Holy Spirit leads to help others come to know and love Our Eucharistic Lord. Be prepared! That may be friends, family, strangers who may cross your path while shopping, at the doctor’s office, or anywhere you may go.
Always keep a book with you!

And over and over, throughout the day, throughout your life... SING YOUR LOVE!

Returning love for Love

After watching this, you will understand the power and the vital necessity of loving Jesus in the Most Blessed Sacrament.

Listen to the Eucharistic Act of Love

Jesus, I love You. Jesus, I love You.
Let every beat of my heart, and every breath I take
A thousand times repeat this act of love.

I love You, Jesus, in the Most Blessed Sacrament!